Michigan's Opening Day for the 2024 whitetail deer firearm season is tomorrow, November 15th! As you finalize your deer camp preparation, here are 5 essential checklist items for every hunter to cross-off before heading into the woods - as well as 7 safety tips for non-hunters on recreating during firearm season.
Thursday, November 14th, 2024. 8 o'clock in the morning. The forests and fields throughout the Great State of Michigan are calm under the shroud of overcast skies and a light rain. You could even say eerily calm. Like a deep, restorative inhale of oxygen.
This "inhale" isn't coincidental. It's mandated by law.
Today is the final day of Michigan's annual 5-day "quiet period." A short pause after a month+ of whitetail bowhunting season where our local wild lands are provided an opportunity to pause, reset, and relax without the intermittent crack of a combustible projectile.
That all changes tomorrow. In fact, Michigan's outdoors will dramatically change by 8AM tomorrow - and remain changed until December.
November 15th is Michigan's official-unofficial state holiday: the Opening Day of Firearm White Deer Season. A generational favorite past time featuring a palpable sentiment of hope permeating through the woods. Regardless of your degree of success during the first leg of bow season - the shut-outs, busts, misses, or glorious harvests - your record is wiped as clean as a fresh blanket of snow.
Everything can change in a moment, and with so many hunters shuffling around in the woods on one glorious day, the only thing to expect is the unexpected.
With less than 24 hours to go before the first "CRACK" will announce the arrival of firearm season, here is Team Expedition Detroit's essential "Opening Day Checklist" for every hunter to review and adhere to before stepping into the woods. Each of these actions are intended not only as material preparations for Opening Day, but to recalibrate a hunter's mindset towards the most important aspects of an ethical hunt.
Not a hunter? WAIT - don't close out your tab quite yet. We have also included a best practices punch list for safely recreating outdoors during firearm season.

This shouldn't come as a surprise, but we at Expedition Detroit highly frown upon poaching - especially when it comes at the expense of the DNR. Whitetail hunting licenses are readily available for purchase at most large shopping centers, gun stores, or online. This map maintained by the DNR pins every location where hunting licenses are sold.
You MUST carry your hunting license and government-issued identification used to purchase the license EVERY TIME that you enter the field. A DNR conservation officer, a tribal conservation officer, or any law enforcement officer has the right to demand that you present your hunting license upon request. In my professional opinion as an attorney, I strongly advise that you do not find yourself in a situation where your license is not readily-available upon such a request.
Now that you have the licensed right to hunt, the next step is determining how you can exercise that right. We at Expedition Detroit jump on this step every year through publishing our annual "Michigan Hunting Cheatsheet" articles. Our "Cheatsheet" includes a direct link to the DNR's Hunting Digest - a hunter's Bible for any and all regulations or instructive information that could come into play this season.
For whitetail deer, the key regulation to note for us in the Detroit region is that we are in the "limited firearm zone." Limited Firearms include a shotgun, a handgun that is .35-caliber or larger with straight-walled cartridges, a .35-caliber or larger rifle with straight-walled cartridges with a minimum case length of 1.16 inches and a maximum case length of 1.80 inches, and a .35-caliber or larger air rifle or pistol charged only from an external, high compression power source.
Other regulations to review include legal hunting hours, firearm safety zones, tagging and mandatory reporting, and clothing requirements (spoiler alert: wear hunter orange as your outermost garments, like your vest and hat, that are visible from all sides).
Alright, you're crushing it: you have your license and you're all read-up on the applicable regulations. The next crucial item in your pre-opener checklist is to drill down the details surrounding your hunting location and set-up. This item will vary in complexity depending on the specifics of your hunt - heading out to your property's cushy box-blind is a far cry from trekking half a mile into public land with a climbing stand strapped to your back.
The two main considerations for this step are (1) securing access rights and (2) your safety in the stand. Access rights obviously aren't as a significant of a factor if you are hunting your own land or a friend's private land, but you should be familiar with the boundaries of the property that you are hunting. If the deer that you're tracking wanders onto another's private land, then you will need to obtain that land owner's permission before continuing to track your deer.
For safety, certain hunting setups will require additional equipment. If you are planning on sitting on a bucket on top of a ridge, congratulations - you are all set. If you are planning on hunting from a ladder, climber, or any other elevated setup, then we strongly advise you to purchase a harness for your safety in the stand. The vast majority of hunting accidents requiring an emergency room visit result from falling from tree stands. Also, never carry a loaded firearm with you while entering an elevated stand. There are plenty of cheap market "tow ropes" for your firearm that you should carry with you into the field, attach one end to your firearm's sling and the other to either your harness or stand, and then tow your unloaded firearm up to your location once you are safely in your elevated hunting setup.
If you plan on hunting public land, be sure to check out the DNR's "MI-HUNT" interactive map to identify public lands that are open to hunting. We also recommend scouting public land prior to entering the woods on Opening Day, but this is more of a strong suggestion than a necessity. As always, be extremely courteous to and mindful of other hunters as you enter and exit public land - try to limit your movement to outside of peak hunting hours (roughly 7AM - 10AM and 2PM - 6PM).
After poaching, the next worse sin that any ethical hunter could commit is venturing out into the woods with an inaccurate firearm. Beyond the eternal regret of missing a trophy buck that generously provides a perfect broad-side shot in the your shooting lane, maiming a deer with a poorly-placed shot will guarantee that (1) you do not recover the animal and (2) the deer will suffer immensely and unnecessarily before expiring.
Simply put, we owe it to the animals that we hunt to deliver quick, well-placed, and ethical shots.
Fortunately, the cost of zeroing-in your firearm usually only requires a handful of rounds at a gun range - typically no more than 30 minutes to an hour of your time. If you don't already have a go-to gun range, the DNR maintains several throughout the Detroit region (the range at Island Lake Recreation Area is my favorite outdoor range). Shooting until you have a consistent and accurate shot-placement grouping from 100 yards is the recommended distance.
As noted prior, we are still in the "quiet period" as of the publication of this article. During this time, it is cannot carry afield or transport any rifle (including rimfire) or shotgun if you have buckshot, slug, ball loads or cut shells.
Here are the two exceptions to the "quiet period" regulations:
• You can transport a firearm to your deer camp or to a target range during
this period if the firearm is properly transported.
• You can target shoot on your own property provided there is no attempt to
take game.
In Season 9 of Netflix's hit show "MeatEater," host (and fellow Michigander) Steven Rinella asks legendary Alaskan wilderness guide Buck Bowden a simple question:
"What makes a good hunter in your mind?"
Buck's response made an impression on me that I have since packed into every hunt:
"One that has a positive attitude every day, that when he's out there hunting, he's happy and just having a great time. Not stressed out thinking, 'I've gotta have this animal' or 'When's it gonna happen?'"
That response resonated strongly with me, largely because I had sabotaged several hunts in my early hunting years through unmet expectations.
Hunters young and old love to tell stories of the glory days; the moments when a 12-point buck came storming out at first light, providing an idyllic shot with hardly any blood-trailing. Hunters often skirt by the misses, lost deer, or unfathomable number of hours spent in a deer stand with hardly a squirrel-sighting to show for it. Social media feeds showcasing only once-in-a-lifetime deer with every scroll have only poured gasoline on the fire of clinically unmet expectations. And for me, as a young hunter, I left the woods several times frustrated, angry, and cursing the day that my interest in hunting first spawned.
The God's honest truth is that deer hunting is largely a sport of failure. Any honest, seasoned hunter will absolutely stand by this statement. In the Midwest, the average rate of hunter success for harvesting a single deer is ~40%. In Michigan, that figure is fortunately closer to 50%. Still, 50% odds are less than ideal for most recreational pursuits.
But here's the thing - that's what makes hunting beautiful. The hours, days, and sometimes seasons spent without any clear sign of success will only amplify that eventual rewarding, ethical harvest. Just as Buck clearly pointed out, the harvest should only provide the icing on the cake of a complete and rewarding hunting experience.
As you prepare to head into the woods tomorrow morning, please don't forget to focus on the bountiful harvest of mental health benefits that you should also pursue while in the stand - none of which involve the taking of wild game:
Being completely present in the moment.
Finding solitude in the woods.
Ample time to tune out the constant noise of modern life.
Wildlife viewing and explorative land scouting.
Breathing in fresh, crisp air.
Engaging in outdoor exercise.
Camaraderie with family and friends.
Gratitude for every facet of the experience.
If you were to apply those descriptors to any other outdoor recreation activity, no one would doubt the success of your outing. Hunting shouldn't be any different, regardless of whether you're able to fire a shot. Focusing on these aspects of the hunt will also inherently calm your spirit and nerves - trust me, you will be immensely thankful for this once that elusive deer finally wanders your way.
What About Non-Hunters?
In light of the arrival of firearm hunting season, here are seven Expedition Detroit tips for avoiding hiker-hunter conflicts across our region's most beloved outdoor destinations:
1. REVIEW LOCAL REGULATIONS. Regardless of whether you're hiking or hunting, do your homework before hitting the trail on whether hunting is permitted along your route. As a general guideline, Michigan's "State Recreation Areas" permit hunting unless stated otherwise; conversely, Michigan's "State Parks" prohibit hunting unless stated otherwise.
2. WEAR BRIGHT ORANGE. While "hunter orange" is required for hunters during certain firearm seasons, we strongly advise both hunters and hikers to wear at least one article of orange clothing on public land trails between September 15th and January 31st ("Hunting Season"). Aside from regulatory requirements, wearing orange promotes both safety and awareness along our shared trails.
3. MIND YOUR PETS. This one goes out directly to hikers along hunting-permitted trails that enjoy trekking with your four-legged best friend. Hikers should keep their dogs on-leash throughout Hunting Season. Dogs should also be outfitted with blaze orange attire (leashes or vests).
4. LEAVE ANY AGENDA AT THE TRAILHEAD. While we all have our own particular ethics, morals, politics, or other heartfelt leanings, the only mindset that each of us should be packing into the woods is a spirit of enjoyment, rejuvenation, exploration, and lawful recreation. Hunters, this means recognizing the responsibility that accommodates the joy of ethical hunting. Hikers, this means recognizing that hunters have the right to lawfully pursue their chosen recreational activity. Both groups should remember that both poaching and hunter harassment are actionable offenses under Michigan state law.
If you suspect that the actions of either a hiker or hunter have violated Michigan state law, DO NOT ESCALATE the situation by attempting to confront the suspected person. Instead, contact the DNR's law enforcement's communications center via 800-292-7800.
5. MIND THE TRAIL. Trail awareness for both hikers and hunters is very, very important during Hunting Season. For hikers, the ask is quite direct: STAY ON TRAIL. Other than aligning with "Leave No Trace" best practices, keeping to the trail will minimize your likelihood of interacting with hunters in the field. For hunters, we advise that you setup at least 100-150 yards from any maintained trails. Beyond minimizing the likelihood of interacting with other hunters and trail users during your hunt, this is also a best practice for safety during especially firearm season.
6. MAXIMIZE YOUR RECREATION WINDOWS. Popular hiking and hunting windows do not inherently need to overlap during Hunting Season. Although hunters can technically head into the woods at any time with daylight, the "peak hunting hours" are typically 3 hours after sunrise and 3 hours before sunset (i.e., complete darkness). The hunting windows do fluctuate with changes in daylight, although planning to recreate as close to mid-day as possible would be a non-hunter's best bet for diminishing the likelihood of seeing a hunter along the trail. Also, don't forget about headlamp hiking and the perks of nighttime recreation, which by law are 100% void of any hunters.
7. SMILE. This might be the single most important - and simplest - item on this list. In fact, this point was brought up during the 2023 Michigan Outdoor Summit as a key action step towards making Michigan's outdoors a more welcoming, sustainable, and economically viable space. If you see someone on the trail that looks different than you, is engaging in a different recreational activity than you, or appears either intimidated or disgruntled by you - just smile at them. Let's go even further and say "Hi!" to them. Beyond humanizing your shared experience and introducing a second or two of kindness into their day, this simple act is the best way to prevent any sort of contentious situation from arising. Plus, smiling requires less effort than frowning.
This article is not intended to be a complete checklist of every article of clothing or piece of gear that you should acquire prior to your Opening Day morning sit. Warm clothing (don't forget insulated boots and thick socks), a sharp hunting knife, and other common hunting gear are obvious prerequisites for any hunt. You should also make sure that you are familiar with how to properly field dress a deer - especially if you will be hunting with only novice hunters.
The Expedition Detroit team wishes you nothing but success, good times, and safe hunts as you venture into the woods on Opening Day. Please feel free to leave any comments below regarding other helpful firearm tips that hunters new and old would appreciate reading.
We can't wait to see you out there!
Very informative!